The Arts Academy
Inspiring Creativity, Fostering Discovery, Building Community

The Arts Academy offers a blend of curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular opportunities, including:
Dance Classes
Theatre Classes
General Music Classes
Co-Curricular Vocal & Instrumental Classes
Extracurricular Vocal & Instrumental Ensembles
Extracurricular Theatrical Productions
The Night of Shorts & Dance Showcase
Thespian Honor Society
Tri-M Music Honor Society
The Arts Academy is designed to...
PROVIDE students with a comprehensive arts education through focused instruction in Dance, Music, and Theatre.
DEVELOP students' artistic and creative capabilities.
APPLY skills from curricular courses in a variety of extracurricular & co-curricular activities at DVRHS and in the wider community.
EXPLORE diverse career pathways and CONNECT artistic passions with real-world experiences.
Why Enroll in the Arts Academy?
We are a vibrant community that immerses students in diverse creative opportunities.
Arts education builds essential skills that apply to all career paths and future success.
Courses & activities in Dance, Theatre, and Music—available both during and after school.
Fulfills multiple graduation requirements, including:
Fine & Performing Arts (5-credit minimum)
Practical Arts (5-credit minimum)
Junior/Senior English
Earn college credit through our Concurrent Enrollment Program.
Engage with highly qualified faculty dedicated to student success.
Preparing for Life Beyond Del Val
In their final year, students can undertake a Senior Capstone, Practicum, or Seminar Course, providing a platform to connect their artistic passions with real-world experiences.
These opportunities help students explore career pathways, develop professional skills, and prepare them for their future after Del Val.
Lasting Impact of the Arts
Studies show that involvement in the arts reduces stress and improves focus.
Arts participation bolsters academic performance.
Students develop creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
Students become more empathetic, self-aware, and confident.
They learn to receive and apply constructive criticism.
Students meet, work, and learn from dedicated, talented faculty.
They develop communication and interpersonal skills.
They gain 21st-century skills applicable to real-world careers.
The arts enrich students' lives forever.
Courses Offered

Performance Opportunities
Dance & Theatre
Annual Fall Play & Winter Musical Productions
Annual Night of Shorts & Dance Showcase
Annual Unified Theatre Cabaret
Thespian Coffeehouses
Hunterdon County & NJ Teen Arts Festival
Bucks County Playhouse Student Theatre Festival
Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Awards
Quadriennal Trip to Disney World (2026)
Music (Instrumental & Vocal)
The Golden Regiment Marching Band
The Golden Blues Jazz Band
Vox Blue
SingStrong International A Cappella Festival HS Competition
International Championship of High School A Cappella (ICHSA - HS Version of Competition in Pitch Perfect!)
CJMEA Region II HS Chorus & Band
NJMEA All State Mixed & Treble Chorus
NJMEA All State Band
Holiday Caroling and Community Performances
Quadriennal Trip to Disney World (2026)
Choral Invitationals & Adjudications
Annual Winter & Spring Concerts
Annual District Arts Festival
Annual District Choral Festival
Annual Winter Musical
Winter Musical Pit Orchestra
Hunterdon County & NJ Teen Arts Festival
Honor Society Opportunities
Concurrent Enrollment Opportunities
AP Music Theory with Mr. Camano (Theory of Music, MUTH2500-PDV, 3 credits)
Concert Band* with Mr. Hayden (Instrumental Chamber Ensemble, MUAP1183-PDV, 1 credit)
Contemporary Drama with Mr. Ambs (Introduction to Theater, COTR2621-PDE, 3 credits)
Vox Auri* with Mr. Camano (Chamber Choir, 1 credit)
* May only be taken once for college credit.
Please email Kristina Sterbenc for more information on Concurrent Enrollment.

Interested in Enrolling?
Any student is eligible to apply for the Arts Academy by completing the Academy Application (link below).
In order to successfully graduate from the Arts Academy, students must complete a minimum of 30 credits in Performing Arts courses, including one foundation course in each area (Dance, Music, Theatre).
NOTE: Students wishing to withdraw must submit a Withdrawal Form before being officially withdrawn from the Arts Academy.
Want to Shadow an Arts Academy Student?
Interested in enrolling in the Arts Academy, but want to see what a day in the life of an Arts Academy student looks like?
Submit a request to participate in DVRHS' Shadow Program (link below).
The Shadow Program allows potential academy students to get a feel for our school by shadowing an academy student, attending classes for a half or whole day of school.
Check out our Programs Websites!
For more information on our programs, please click on the links below:
Questions? Contact Us.
General Questions:
Tara Civitillo, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Specific Area-Related Questions:
Clinton Ambs, Teacher of Theatre
Adrian Camano, Director of Choral Activities & Vocal Music
Thomas J. Hayden, Director of Bands & Instrumental Music
Heather Fleischman, Teacher of Dance