Model UN Club
Model United Nations Club

Hone your skills in diplomacy, critical thinking, research, and public speaking.
Meet new people, gain unforgettable experiences AND have FUN!
What is Model UN?
Model United Nations calls for students to role play delegates in a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly and other specialized UN committees. This activity takes place at MUN conferences, which are usually organized by high school or college MUN clubs. Thousands of high school and college students across the country and around the world participate in Model United Nations, which involves substantial research, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, as well as critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. DVRHSMUN is a fairly new club but has participated in conferences at University of Penn, Cornell University, and Johns Hopkins in years past.
"MUNday" Meetings
Meetings are held every "MUNday"
Room E109
Executive Board Members 23-24Aidan O'Connell (Class '24)
Kylee Bendix (Class '25)
Sophie Bobrowski (Class '25)
Julius Hendricks (Class '25)
Gianna Kempf (Class '25)
Avery Shaeffer (Class '25)
Communications Officers 23-24:Sophie Bobrowski (Class '25)
Avery Schaefer (Class '25)
Conferences for the 2023-24 School Year:
Saturday, October 28 2023
Franklin High School Model UN Conference
Somerset, NJ
One Day Conference
February 15-18, 2024
Georgetown University
North American International Model United Nations Conference (NAIMUN) LXI
Washington, DC
4 days/3 nights

2023 Conferences:
April 20-23, 2023
Cornell University
Cornell's High School Model UN Conference
Ithaca, NY

Stay in Touch
For up-to-date information about club activities, refer to our Model UN Canvas course.
Ms. Jennifer MacDade

Past Events and Awards
Franklin HS Model UN, November 2013:
Will Freedman & Abby Campbell, Honorable Mention: Legal Committee, topic: "Revitalizing the UN General Assembly"
Mason Scher & Connor Metz, Distinguished Delegates: Commission for Science and Technology for Development, topic: "Infrastructure Building and Technological Development"
PC Adams, Best Delegate: Disarmament and International Security Committee, topic: the "Ethical use of Nuclear Technology"
Franklin HS Model UN, November 2015:
Trinity Perini & Joe Carew, Most Improved Delegates: Commission on the Status of Women, topic: "Women in Water Crisis"
Logan Ruthe & Trevor Campbell, Most Improved Delegates: Social Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, topic: "Humanitarian Aid for Stateless People"
Michael Ailara & Justin Fiaschetti, Distinguished Delegates: Economic and Financial Committee, topic: "Investment in Post-Conflict Regions"
PC Adams & Alejandro Silva, Outstanding Delegates: Committee on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, topic: "Mercenaries in Conflict"
Cornell Model UN Conference, April 2016:
Justin Fiaschetti, Honorable Mention: Economic and Financial Committee, topic: "Preventing Future Global Financial Crises" & "Addressing Income Inequality in Developing Nations"
Franklin HS Model UN, November 2016:
Jess Johnson & Eli Kalfaian, Most Improved Delegates: Environmental Program,
Maggie Erwin & John Raymond, Most Improved Delegates: Disarmament and International Security, topic: "Peacekeeping Forces"
Yale University Model UN Conference, January 2017:
Justin Fiaschetti, Best Delegate:
Cornell Model UN Conference, April 2017:
Justin Fiaschetti, Best Delegate:
Franklin HS Model UN, November 2017:
Jessica Johnson, Outstanding Delegate, Environment Programme (UNEP), topic: "Marine Biodiversity"
Taylor Catino, Best Delegate, UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), topic: "Child Trafficking"