Our Board of Education

Board Member

Representative District

Term Expires

Frank Simini III, President

Holland Township


Marci Nardone, Vice President

Alexandria Township


Tanya Drake

Kingwood Township


Ellen Gordon

Milford Borough


Thomas Loughlin

Frenchtown Borough


Timothy McGuire

Holland Township


Erin Pinelli

Kingwood Township


Bill Prouty

Alexandria Township


Laura Tessieri

Holland Township


The Board of Education operates under a six (6) committee structure indicated below. In accordance with District Bylaws 0155 - Board Committees, the Board President and Superintendent shall be ex officio members of all standing committees.

Education and Student Affairs: Erin Pinelli (Chair), Tanya Drake, and Marci Nardone

Finance: Laura Tessieri (Chair), Tom Loughlin, and Bill Prouty

Operations: Bill Prouty (Chair), Timothy McGuire, and Laura Tessieri

Personnel: Timothy McGuire (Chair), Ellen Gordon, and Erin Pinelli

Negotiations: Frank Simini III (Chair), Ellen Gordon, Tim McGuire, and Marci Nardone

Policy: Tanya Drake (Chair), Tom Loughlin, and Marci Nardone

Contact Us

Frank Simini, President: Email Frank Simini

Marci Nardone, Vice President: Email Marci Nardone  

Tanya Drake:  Email Tanya Drake

Ellen Gordon: Email Ellen Gordon

Thomas Loughlin: Email Thomas Loughlin

Timothy McGuire: Email Timothy McGuire

Erin Pinelli: Email Erin Pinelli

Bill Prouty: Email Bill Prouty

Laura Tessieri: Email Laura Tessieri