8th Grade Orientation Night Information
If you missed Freshman Quest on February 6, 2025, please view the presentation materials below. If you have any questions, please feel free to email taracivitillo@dvrhs.k12.nj.us.
I am interested in accounting as a career. Are there other courses that would help me?
There are several classes that will definitely interest you: Accounting, Financial Literacy, Economics or AP Economics, and Statistics and Probability or AP Statistics.
What do you do in Woodshop?
The prerequisite to Woodshop is Design and Materials Processing. After taking this course, you can take Wood I, II, and III. These courses teach you how to safely handle machinery and tools, design and plan, and build using various materials. By Wood II and Wood III, the projects become more complex with more individual focus.
Why is Design and Materials Processing a prerequisite for Wood I?
This course gives students the foundational knowledge for planning and building while giving them an opportunity to begin working with tools and machinery.
Is there anything with aviation?
There are currently no stand-alone aviation courses, however, you should be interested in Physics; we offer Physics, Physics Honors, AP Physics I, and electives: AP Physics II and AP Physics C. The Engineering courses may also be of interest.
Anything for electrical or more hands-on stuff?
The Computer Science and Engineering courses are where you will find electronic and component activities.
What is the class called that gets you prepped for Wood I?
Design and Materials Processing.
How much work is assigned in classes?
Academic/Essentials can expect 10 minutes of homework per class.
College Preparatory can generally expect 10-15 minutes of homework per class for students at grade-level expectations.
Honors can expect at least 20 minutes of homework per class for students who work above grade-level expectations.
Which marking period do you take health?
Currently (subject to change), freshmen take health in the first marking period.
I have more questions about the core classes.
If you have specific questions, email the Director of Curriculum at TaraCivitillo@dvrhs.k12.nj.us. Additionally, attend the 8th Grade Scheduling Night: FRESHMAN QUEST on February 6, 2025, to meet teachers and ask questions. Finally, you have the opportunity to meet with your counselor beginning in February to discuss your placements and options.
Do you need to take a placement test?
Placements come from a combination of testing scores, grades, and your teacher’s recommendations. If you are not recommended for or have not met the minimum cut score for a class, you will have to come to DV to take an assessment. You then receive feedback about your performance to better understand the expectations.
What are the Engineering classes about?
Students learn sketching, drawing, 3D modeling, architectural design, and how to work with electrical components among other skills.
Will there be ASL?
No, due to staffing certification, we are not offering ASL for incoming freshmen in the 25-26 school year.
What classes would help for cosmetology or dermatology?
The biomedical classes would help as well as the art classes.
How do we know what specials we have?
At DV, your “specials” are electives, practical and fine art requirements, etc. You select the courses you are interested in taking while making sure (with your counselor) that you have met all your state and school requirements to graduate.
Can you take a psychology class without enrolling in the Education Academy?
Yes, all courses in the school can be taken as long as you meet the prerequisites.
Do you have to be in Honors to be in the Biomedical Academy?
No, you have to take at least CP or Honors Biology.
I want to know more about the Engineering Academy program. I’d like to know more about it.
The Engineering Academy has combined with the Computer Science Academy, however, if you are looking to specifically focus on Engineering, you will want to take these four courses: Design and Materials Processing, Introduction to Engineering, Digital Electronics, and Civil Engineering & Architecture.
Is it possible to do two Academies at once?
Yes, it is possible to do two Academies; just make sure your counselor knows so they can help you plan out your 4-years to meet all the requirements.
If I’m in an Academy my freshman year, can I change my sophomore year?
Yes, most Academies can be completed in 3 years. You can change Academies or withdraw from them altogether if it isn’t for you.
Does being in an Academy limit electives?
Other than having to prioritize your Academy requirements, you should still have multiple elective spots that can be taken outside of your Academy.
Does the Biomedical Academy program count as a science?
The courses do not count as your science requirements, but you must take CP or Honors Biology (a graduation requirement) in your freshman year to qualify.
Would the Academies and Polytech interfere with each other?
Yes, you will not have room in your schedule to meet the requirements for both.
How many Academies can you take Freshman year?
It is possible to participate in two Academies throughout your high school career. You can start any academy freshman year.
What is the difference between electives and Academies?
Academies are organized paths that contain many courses, including electives.
Electives are courses that you choose to take to explore areas of interest and fulfill your school and state requirements.
Are you required to play a sport?
No. All extracurricular activities are optional, although you will learn about many different sports in Phys. Ed.
Can girls play football?
I want to play track and field and volleyball. How can I play?
Girls Volleyball is a fall sport. You will hear about sports registration beginning in February 2025 and at the 8th Grade Orientation Night.
Track and field is a spring sport, so information will come out once you have started your freshman year.
Is there a golf team?
YES! It is a co-ed team. Mr. Kirschenmann is the coach. If you have any questions, email him at davidkirschenmann@dvrhs.k12.nj.us
Is there an ROTC program at Del Val?
No, there is not an ROTC program at Del Val. However, we now have a Student Military Interest Cohort (SMIC) for students who have an interest in joining the military through enlistment, ROTC at college, or attending a military academy. The purpose of this cohort is to make sure the members are able to explore their options and the preparations they will need to do before graduating high school.
Is there an archery team? If not, can we create one?
There is currently not an archery team. If students are interested in creating a club or establishing a new activity, they should talk to Mr. Jacobs (the Athletics Supervisor) to start discussing possibilities.
How many people get cut from Vox Blue?
There is no set number as it varies each year depending on the needs of the group. The goal is to create a group of balanced voices and committed singers. Many aspects are considered for acceptance into the group such as character and work ethic, not just vocal ability.
Does the chorus class go to Disney like the other competitive singing groups?
Yes, any students that enroll in the course, Concert Choir, will be eligible to attend the Disney trip in April 2026. However, it is worth mentioning that the Disney trip only happens every 4 years. The other competitive singing group is Vox Blue, which is an extracurricular contemporary competitive a cappella group that attends multiple competitions such as the high school version of the competition featured in the movie Pitch Perfect, the International Championship of High School A Cappella or ICHSA for short.
Can we do more than one club?
Yes! There are many clubs, sports, and activities. Most of our students belong to multiple sports (1 per season), activities, and clubs.
When do we have time for the clubs and activities? Is it during the school day or after?
Some clubs meet during the school day during the second half of our Unit Lunch period and other clubs meet after school from 2:30-3:30pm. All of our extracurricular performing arts programs meet afterschool at various times.
Can freshmen take Study Hall? Is it helpful for freshmen?
Yes, freshmen can take a study hall. They can be especially helpful if you are taking courses that are challenging to you and you will utilize the time to work.
Will there be time to meet teachers that we didn’t get to meet?
Yes, February 6, 2025, is the 8th Grade Scheduling Night: FRESHMAN QUEST. All freshman-level teachers will be in the building to answer questions about courses and levels.
Are classes changeable if I don’t like it?
There is a window of opportunity to change elective classes, usually within the first 2 weeks of the start of the class. Level changes for core courses can be made by the end of the first marking period. You will need to talk with your counselor if you have concerns about any of your courses.
Can you go down to the football field during lunch?
No. You must remain in the building unless there are events being held outdoors.
Will you get homework every day?
Most classes will either have assignments that are homework or tasks to finish. Academic/Essentials classes should expect around 10 minutes of homework per class.
College Preparatory classes should expect 10-20 minutes of homework per class.
Honors classes should expect 20+ minutes of homework per class.
What is the lunch situation?
Lunch is run as a unit block, meaning that all students have lunch at the same time. Freshmen and sophomores eat lunch in the gym and juniors and seniors eat in the cafeteria. Students can get lunch from the cafeteria regardless of where they eat. Seats are not assigned.
The unit lunch allows students to eat and then get extra help, make up work, or participate in clubs and activities.
How do we pick our classes?
You will have the opportunity to meet with your counselor in February 2025 or at your IEP transition meeting, but if you don’t need/want to talk with a counselor, you will submit your course request form in February.
Do we get a student ID?
Yes, students receive a school-issued ID and are required to carry it. It is how you check out books, at lunch, and sign into the study hall.
How long are classes?
Classes are currently 84 minutes long.
How do I navigate the school?
You will have tours at the OASIS Orientation in August and you will receive a map of the school.
When will we receive a counselor?
In January when you receive your recommendations.
What awards and contests can you enter?
There are many awards and contests you can be eligible for through different clubs, classes, and organizations.
The Delphi (school newspaper) enters state and national competitions regularly throughout the year.
Is it hard to get to class on time?
There are 5 minutes of passing time between classes. If you use your time appropriately, you can get to your classes with time to spare or time to run to the bathroom.
Have any athletes made it to a professional league?
Many of our students continue to play sports in college, some receiving scholarships. Some have played at levels beyond college.
How many classes do I have in a day?
There are 4 classes a day each A day and B day (for a total of 8 in your schedule).
How many books are read in the Freshman English Honors class?
Students read at least 6 full-length books in honors, not including student-selected independent reading.
Where is the hot lunch menu posted?
You can access the cafeteria menu through the school website or on The Delphi’s website.
Is there a bell in between every block?
Yes, there are bells to start and end every block, including lunch.
Will I be in classes with my friends?
You may be in classes with your friends; it is dependent upon the courses and levels of courses that you take. Students could request the same courses but not be in the same classes. Do not select classes to be in them with your friends; pick classes appropriate to you that you want to take.
Do we get time to hang out with the older students we know?
Freshmen have the same opportunity to hang out with all other students in the school during lunches, activities, and classes. Some classes are freshmen-only, but others are mixed grades.