"The Valley" Yearbook

Yearbook Ordering & Information

Carolyn Wolsiefer, Yearbook Business Manager
Email Carolyn Wolsiefer

Adrian Camano, Yearbook Advisor
Email Adrian Camano

Order by March 1st to Guarantee Your Yearbook!

Order This Year's Yearbook

Yearbook Back Issues

Yearbooks from Years Past... buy past Yearbooks at great prices!!!!

Remember that yearbook you never bought while you were at Del Val? Now is your chance to get that yearbook you missed out on. We have numerous copies of books of years past and we may have the year you're looking for. Subject to availability, contact the advisor to check for availability.Checks should be made payable to 'DVRHS Yearbook'.  Thank You.

Photo Submissions

Get your pictures in the Yearbook!

The Yearbook Staff invites students and parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you have great photos of you and your friends at school, community events or just having fun, we would like to see them! Our photographers cannot be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have.

Email your photos to
DVR YearbookPlease include your name, address, contact number, and relevant information.  All people must be identified in the photo.  Give a brief description of the story behind the photo (the more details, the better).  It is that easy! Submit your photos today! The Yearbook Staff will review all photos and determine final Yearbook content. We cannot guarantee that all submissions can be used in the book.