Anti-bullying Information:
Delaware Valley Regional High School District HIB Policy
New Jersey Department of Education School Climate State Coordinator Contact Information:
NJDOE Guidance for Parents on the Anti-bullying Bill of Rights
Anti-bullying Coordinator:
Mr. Kyle Tinnes, Supervisor of Fine and Practical Arts
(908) 996-2131 Ext. 6922
19 Senator Stout Rd., Frenchtown, NJ 08825
Anti-bullying Specialists:
Ms. Heather Eckhardt, Student Assistance Counselor
(908) 996-2131 Ext. 6209
19 Senator Stout Rd., Frenchtown, NJ 08825
Ms. Amanda Matlee, Mental Health Counselor/CST Case Manager
(908)996-2131 Ext. 6907
19 Senator Stout Rd., Frenchtown, NJ 08825
Dr. Stephanie Vorilas
(908) 996-2131 Ext. 6903
19 Senator Stout Rd., Frenchtown, NJ 08825
Mr. Scott Woodland, School Counselor
(908) 996-2131 Ext. 6207
19 Senator Stout Rd., Frenchtown, NJ 08825