Technology Goals & NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards

Hunterdon County Educational Technology Vision Statement
Students will achieve the 21st century skills needed to effectively compete, connect, communicate and collaborate in a global society by developing a culture of digital citizenship. The school community will use current and emerging technologies to voluntarily and continuously improve and expand their teaching and learning in and away from school.

The Educational Technology Plan for New Jersey

Vision Statement
All students will be prepared to meet the challenge of a dynamic global society in which they participate, contribute, achieve, and flourish through universal access to people, information and ideas.

GOAL 1: All students will be prepared to excel in the community, workplace and in our global society using 21st century skills.

GOAL 2: All educators, including administrators, will attain the 21st century skills and knowledge necessary to effectively integrate educational technology in order to enable students to achieve the goals of the core curriculum content standards and experience success in a global society.

GOAL 3: Educational technology will be accessible by students, teachers and administrators and utilized for instructional and administrative purposes in all learning environments, including classrooms, library media centers, and other educational settings such as community centers and libraries.

GOAL 4: New Jersey school districts will establish and maintain the technology infrastructure necessary for all students, administrators and staff to safely access digital information on demand and to communicate virtually.

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 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards




Technology  in the 21st Century

Technology is uniquely positioned to transform learning, to foster critical thinking,creativity, and innovation, and to prepare students to thrive in the global economy. As engaged digital learners, students are able to acquire and apply content knowledge and skills through active exploration, interaction, and collaboration with others across the globe, challenging them to design the future as envisioned in the statements that follow:

Mission:  Technology enables students to solve real world problems, enhance life, and extend human capability as they meet the challenges of a dynamic global society.

Vision:  The systematic integration of technology across the curriculum and in the teaching and learning process fosters a population that leverages 21st century resources to:

·Apply information-literacy skills to access, manage, and communicate information using a range of emerging technological tools.

 ·Think critically and creatively to solve problems, synthesize and create new knowledge, and make informed decisions that affect individuals, the world community, and the environment. 

·Gain enhanced understanding of global interdependencies as well as multiple cultural perspectives, differing points of view, and diverse values.

·Employ a systemic approach to understand the design process, the designed world, and the interrelationship and impact of technologies.

·Model digital citizenship. 

Intent and Spirit of the Technology Standards

All students acquire content area knowledge and skills in: (1) Visual and Performing Arts, (2) Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, (3) Language Arts Literacy, (4) Mathematics,(5) Science, (6) Social Studies, (7) World Languages, (8) Educational Technology, Technology Education, Engineering, and Design, and (9) 21st Century Life and Careers. As they do so, they are supported by the ongoing,transparent, and systematic integration of technology from preschool to grade12 in preparation for postsecondary education and the workplace.

In grades 9-12, students demonstrate advanced computer operation and application skills by publishing products related to real-world situations(e.g., digital portfolios, digital learning games and simulations), and they understand the impact of unethical use of digital tools. They collaborate adeptly in virtual environments and incorporate global perspectives into problem solving at home, at school, and in structured learning experiences,with the growing realization that people in the 21st century are interconnected economically, socially, and environmentally and have a shared future.

High School Specialization in technology enables students to design, create, and reverse-engineer technology products or systems, document the application of the design process, and understand its impact including ethical considerations,costs, trade-offs, risks, benefits, and choice of resources. Students develop products that address local and global issues and challenges, which are disseminated for peer review. 

8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage,evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge.

A. Technology Operations and Concepts

The use of technology and digital tools requires knowledge and appropriate use of operations and related applications.

Construct a spreadsheet, enter data, and use mathematical or logical functions to manipulate data, generate charts and graphs, and interpret the results.


Produce and edit a multi-page document for a commercial or professional audience using desktop publishing and/or graphics software. 


Participate in online courses, learning communities, social networks, or virtual worlds and recognize them as resources for lifelong learning.


Create a personalized digital portfolio that contains a résumé, exemplary projects, and activities, which together reflect personal and academic interests, achievements, and career aspirations.

B. Creativity and Innovation

The use of digital tools and media-rich resources enhances creativity and the construction of knowledge. 


Design and pilot a digital learning game to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to one or more content areas or a real world situation.

C. Communication and Collaboration 

Digital tools and environments support the learning process and foster collaboration in solving local or global issues and problems.


Develop an innovative solution to a complex, local or global problem or issue in collaboration with peers and experts, and present ideas for feedback in an online community. 

D. Digital Citizenship

Technological advancements create societal concerns regarding the practice of safe, legal, and ethical behaviors.


Evaluate policies on unauthorized electronic access (e.g.,hacking) and disclosure and on dissemination of personal information. 


Demonstrate appropriate use of copyrights as well as fair use and Creative Commons guidelines.


Compare and contrast international government policies on filters for censorship. 


Explain the impact of cyber crimes on society.

E. Research and Information Literacy

Effective use of digital tools assists in gathering and managing information.


Develop a systematic plan of investigation with peers and experts from other countries to produce an innovative solution to a state, national, or worldwide problem or issue.


Predict the impact on society of unethical use of digital tools, based on research and working with peers and experts in the field.

F. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision-Making

Information accessed through the use of digital tools assists in generating solutions and making decisions.


Select and use specialized databases for advanced research to solve real-world problems.


Analyze the capabilities and limitations of current and emerging technology resources and assess their potential to address educational, career,personal, and social needs.

8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, and Design: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world, as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment. 

A. Nature of Technology:Creativity and Innovation

Technology products and systems impact every aspect of the world in which we live.


Design and create a technology product or system that improves the quality of life and identify trade-offs,risks, and benefits.

B. Design: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision-Making

The design process is a systematic approach to solving problems.


Design and create a product that maximizes conservation and sustainability of a scarce resource, using the design process and entrepreneurial skills throughout the design process.


Design and create a prototype for solving a global problem, documenting how the proposed design features affect the feasibility of the prototype through the use of engineering, drawing, and other technical methods of illustration. 


Analyze the full costs, benefits,trade-offs, and risks related to the use of technologies in a potential career path. 

C. Technological Citizenship, Ethics, and Society 

Knowledge and understanding of human, cultural, and societal values are fundamental when designing technology systems and products in the society.


Analyze the ethical impact of a product, system, or environment, worldwide, and report findings in a web-based publication that elicits further comment and analysis.


Evaluate ethical considerations regarding the sustainability of resources that are used for the design,creation, and maintenance of a chosen product.


Evaluate the positive and negative impacts in a design by providing a digital overview of a chosen product and suggest potential modifications to address the negative impacts.

D. Research and Information Fluency 

Information-literacy skills, research, data analysis, and prediction provide the basis for the effective design of technology systems. 


Reverse-engineer a product to assist in designing a more eco-friendly version, using an analysis of trends and data about renewable and sustainable materials to guide your work.

E. Communication and Collaboration

Digital tools facilitate local and global communication and collaboration in designing products and systems.


Use the design process to devise a technological product or system that addresses a global issue, and provide documentation through drawings, data, and materials, taking the relevant cultural perspectives into account throughout the design and development process.

F.Resources for a Technological World

Technological products and systems are created through the application and appropriate use of technological resources.


Determine and use the appropriate application of resources in the design, development, and creation of a technological product or system.


Explain how material science impacts the quality of products. 


Select and utilize resources that have been modified by digital tools (e.g., CNC equipment, CAD software) in the creation of a technological product or system.

G. The Designed World

The designed world is the product of a design process that provides the means to convert resources into products and systems.


Analyze the interactions among various technologies and collaborate to create a product or system demonstrating their interactivity


Basic technology terms for preschool: Examples digital camera, battery,screen, computer, Internet, mouse, keyboard, and printer.

Controversial issue: For example, global warming,scarcity of water, alternative energy sources, election campaigns.

Current and emerging technology resources: For example, cell phones, GPS, online communities using wikis, blogs,vlogs, and/or Nings.

Data-collection technology: For example,probes, handheld devices, and geographic mapping systems.

Digital learning game: For example, Alice, Lively.

Developmentally appropriate: Students' developmental levels prescribe the learning environment and activities that are used.

Digital tools for grade 2: For example, computers, digital cameras, software..

Digital tools for grades 4, 8, and 12: For example, computers, digital cameras, probing devices, software, cellphones, GPS, online communities, VOIP, and virtual conferences.

Electronic authoring tools: Software that facilitates online book development (e.g., multimedia electronic book).

Mapping tools: For example, Google earth, Yahoo maps, and Google maps.

Media-rich: Multiple forms of digital applications in one product (e.g., graphic design, word processing, and spreadsheet).

Multimedia presentation: For example, movie, podcast, vlog.

Online discussion: UNICEF, Oracle, i-Earn, blogs,wikis.

Online learning community: For example, i-Earn, Ning, blogs,wikis, Second Life.

Operations and related applications: For example, saving a word processing file to a network drive, printing a spreadsheet.

Reverse engineer: To isolate the components of a completed system.

Shared hosted services: For example, podcasts, videos, or vlogs.

Technologies: Medical, agricultural, and related biotechnologies, energy and power technologies, information and communications technologies, transportation technologies, manufacturing technologies, and construction technologies.

Virtual environments: For example, games, simulations,websites, blogs.

Web-based publication: For example, web pages, wikis,blogs, ezines.