Website Disclaimer

This website is operated by Delaware Valley Regional High School. The website is provided as a service to those interested in various matters related to the school.

We disclaim all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained on the site. While the information contained on the site is frequently updated, we provide no guarantee that the information on this website is correct, accurate, complete, or current.

The website includes links to and streamed content from other Internet resources. These links and services are provided as a courtesy or convenience. We are not the author of these external sites and exert no editorial influence over the content of external sites and services. Therefore, we are not responsible for the accuracy, relevance, or appropriateness of content or information contained on these sites. Links from this site to external sites do not constitute an endorsement from Delaware Valley Regional High School.

Privacy Policy
We do not collect personally identifiable information about you unless you provide that information to us by filling out and submitting a web-based form, or subscribing to a web-based service that is hosted on our site. Further details about our website privacy policy and practices are described below:

Changes to this policy
We are continuously developing and improving the functionality and services offered through our website. Due to these changes, changes in the law, and changes in technology, this policy may be updated from time to time. We encourage you to check back and review this policy on a regular basis.

Information that is automatically collected
Our web technology collects information about how this website is used. This information is stored in system log files and does not identify you personally. Information automatically collected includes:

  • Your internet domain name (for example

  • Your IP address (a unique number provided by your Internet service when you connect).

  • The web browser you use, your screen resolution, and the operating system installed on your computer.

  • The pages on our site that you access during your visit.

  • How you connected to our website (you may have linked to our site from another site).

  • The date and time of your visit.

This information is used by our technology staff to improve the functionality and appearance of this website. We do not give, disclose, transfer, or sell this information.

Information you provide us with
Any information you provide to us by filling out a web-based form or sending an email is only used to respond to your inquiry or fulfill your request for a subscription or service. We do not use your information for any other purposes; we do not give, disclose, transfer, or sell your information.

Session variables and cookies are small amounts of data sent to your browser by the web application.

Session variables are maintained in your computer's memory for as long as your browser is connected to a website. Once you disconnect and close your browser, the session variables are erased from memory.

Persistent cookies will store the data on your computer's hard drive so that the inputs are remembered when you restart your connection to a specific website. Persistent cookies are sometimes used to track user habits.

Cookies cannot harm your computer, and you can change your browser settings to control how they are accepted onto your computer.

We use persistent cookies and session variables on our website to collect information about your visit. The information stored in these session variables does not identify you personally and is not used to track user habits. They do relate to your interactions with the website at that time and are used by the web application so that it functions correctly.

Links to external sites and external web services
We provide links from our site to external organizations for convenience and informational purposes. Also, we make use of various services to obtain content that is presented on our website. Once you leave our website, or view content on our site that is retrieved from an external service, you are no longer subject to our privacy policy, or its protections.